Suomen Pakkausyhdistys ry

Packaging directory

BestPak Oy

Name BestPak Oy
Address Palstalankuja 4
Postal code 33960
Post office Pirkkala
Tel 010 328 2080
  • Corrugated board: Corrugated board packages
  • Foils: Stretch films
  • Paperboard packages
  • Cartons: of e flute
  • Boxes: Container boxes
  • Boxes: Transport boxes
  • Boxes: Bakery boxes
  • Boxes: Garden boxes
  • Boxes: Storing boxes
  • Boxes: Moving boxes
  • Solid fibreboard packages
  • Tapes
  • Cutting
  • Construction development
  • Packaging design
  • Packaging articles
A representative for trade marks and names such as:
A representative for manufacturers of packaging products such as: